So though your pet's diet could be insufficient, the vitamins added to pet food compensates for this. A gimmick to get you to buy the cereal and feel snug in the "knowledge" that you are getting some vitamins even if you do not eat lots of fresh fruit and veg. This is the reason why many folks now customarily supplement our diet with vitamin tablets, even if we eat a healthy diet. That's the reason why cancer, coronary disease, and other degenerative conditions are at a record high, and are still on the rise. Though commercial pet food makers are galvanized mostly by profits, commercially prepared foods are customarily endorsed as a part of a sufficient, or good, diet for your dog. Raw bones with a little dry food as well as occasional rice or pasta, and perhaps the wierd quality food scrap from your table, will probably contain almost all of the nutrients which your dog wishes.
All dogs must get reasonable nourishment from their food to maintain fantastic health and performance. The main nutrients needed by your dog are water, proteins, fats, carbs, minerals and vitamins. If your dog was left to fend for itself in natural settings ( presuming it might manage to conform, that is ), would select raw beef. In reality, they are usually in a worse position than us re an acceptable intake of vitamins. That is because, in contrast to what plenty of the so-called "authorities" will have you think, the garbage that is sold to us as pet food is causing your pet irreparable harm. So that the fact that it could have some "added vitamins" is simply a complete gimmick, and totally worthless from your pet's health's perspective. It's critical that you feed your pet something as near to its natural diet as practical, and typically that is still not enough. Is that what you are feeding your pet? Or do you select the simplicity of commercial pet food some or all the time? Unless you can copy what your pet would eat in natural habitats, you owe it to your pet to give a vitamin supplement.
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